Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Samurai WTF?

A few weeks ago, Bandai of America released photos of their toys for Power Rangers Samurai: The upcoming adaption of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger....I saw these designs for the 4 inch figures and I laughed my ass off, these designs are so horrid, it’s not even funny...actually it’s more sad then funny...I mean seriously BOA? Seriously? Are you people even TRYING to make decent looking toys any more? The Nanashi looks decent, but that’s about it...
These designs are a joke, an absolute joke! The rangers looks NOTHING like their actual suit designs! I mean seriously, the boys look TOO buff, and the girls looks like they haven’t eaten anything for months on end. For the record, I don’t collect many Power Rangers figures myself, as I’m only really interested in the Mecha, I have a Super Legends White Ranger figure and while it’s...okay? It still pales in comparison to any of my S.H.Figuarts. 

I suppose it is nice that the weapons are painted, but seriously...I cannot give Bandai of America my support knowing that they keep turning out garbage like this year after year, after year...whomever’s in their engineering department needs to be FIRED ASAP. 
Now I understand BOA works on a tight budget and make these figures as cheap as possible so the parents will buy them or their kiddies, but that’s NO excuse for making something that looks like absolute rubbish, look at figures like 3.75 Inch Movie Iron Man, or the scout Class Figures from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, those work on a budget, but don’t look like garbage at least! It’s funny, because right around the time these were released, Bandai of Japan opened up pre orders for the S.H.Figuarts Shinken Red and Shinken Gold, it’s almost like they planned for this...knowing that these figures will be absolute rubbish... 

If you are interested in pre ordering these, you can place your order for these and other PR: Samurai toys here:

1 comment:

  1. You must experience a lot of trouble living in your mother's basement. I used to mock people like you, but now I found out that you guys have everyday issues just like other people.
    I never knew toy companies did such horrid things. This is completely outrageous, actually, it made me cry; I'm crying over the keyboard as I type.
    Companies think they can just step over people like you and torture you like the merciless monsters they are, that you're just inferior beings, but you're not! Fight for your rights, boycott that stupid company and show them who's the boss. Action figures are serious issues and no one, even people who aren't even part of the target, should have any problem with them.
